ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2015 | Contents of Volume 22, Number 4:

Andrych-Zalewska, M.; ...Heat Release in Spark Ignition Engine with Internal Catalyst10.5604/12314005.11684147-14Full text
Andrzejewski-Popow, Ł.; ...The Future Development of Unmanned Air Vehicles10.5604/12314005.116841715-20Full text
Balicki, W.Start-Up and Acceleration Control of the Turbine Engine with the Detonation Combustion Chamber10.5604/12314005.116842021-28Full text
Bogusz, P.Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Energy Absorption Elastomer Panel with Honeycomb Structure10.5604/12314005.116842229-36Full text
Borkowska, J.; ...The Impact of the Energy State of the Surface of Friction Pairs on the Friction and Wear in Internal Combustion Engines10.5604/12314005.116842637-42Full text
Borkowski, W.; ...Mathematical Model of Stabilising and Tracking Control System in Main Battle Tank10.5604/12314005.116842943-52Full text
Charchalis, A.Analiysis of Propulsion for Various Types of Ships in Aspects of Power Required and Fuel Consumption During Exploitation10.5604/12314005.116843253-58Full text
Chwastek, S.; ...Semiactive Vibration Reduction of Operator’s Seat with the Use of Controlled Magnetorheological Damper10.5604/12314005.116843559-66Full text
Cienciała, M.; ...Direct and Indirect Heat Energy Conversion Into Electricity10.5604/12314005.116843967-72Full text
Cuber, D.; ...Characteristic of Vehicle Suspension Coil Spring – Comparison of Experiment and Finite Element Method Simulation10.5604/12314005.116844273-78Full text
Czarnecki, M.Identification of Design Parameters for Microgasturbine Engines10.5604/12314005.116844579-86Full text
Dereszewski, M.; ...Impact of rise of exhaust resistance at torque and angular speed of two stroke engine10.5604/12314005.116844787-94Full text
Iskra, A.; ...Geometric Shape of the Support Surface of the Piston10.5604/12314005.116845095-102Full text
Iwanicki, L.; ...Opportunities Analysis of Regeneration of Plane Front Plate Thruster on a Universal Lathe10.5604/12314005.1168453103-108Full text
Jagiełło, A.; ...The Methodology of Grade of Gasification Reactor Effectivity10.5604/12314005.1168454109-116Full text
Jagiełło, A.; ...The Concept of Measuring Vibration in PRAMAC S12000 Generating Set10.5604/12314005.1168455117-124Full text
Janicka, A.; ...Entrance Research on Pressure Distribution in Combustion Chamber of Gasoline Engine Applied in Electric Generator, Fuelled by Syngas, for Different Ignition Timing10.5604/12314005.1168458125-132Full text
Jankowski, A.; ...Environmental Pollution Caused by a Direct Injection Engine10.5604/12314005.1168461133-138Full text
Jaworski, P.; ...SCR Systems for NOx Reduction in Heavy Duty Vehicles10.5604/12314005.1168463139-146Full text
Kałużny, J.; ...The Investigation of Experimental Combustion Engine Elements Conducted with Use of Atomic Physics Methods10.5604/12314005.1168465147-154Full text
Kowalski, M.; ...Studies and Tests of Micro Aerial Vehicle During Flight10.5604/12314005.1168466155-162Full text
Krasoń, W.; ...Numerical Tests of the Double Spring with Hangers10.5604/12314005.1168468163-170Full text
Lewandowski, W.National Unmanned Systems Programme10.5604/12314005.1168469171-178Full text
Leżański, T.Influence of Compression Ratio on Combustion, Turbulence, Swirls into Model Combustion Chamber of SI Engines10.5604/12314005.1168470179-186Full text
Łoza, Ł.; Various Designs of the Two-Stroke Engine Heads with the Valve Flushed System10.5604/12314005.1168471187-190Full text
Magdziak-Tokłowicz, M.; ...Diagnostics of Internal Combustion Diesel Engines Operated in Construction and Mining10.5604/12314005.1168472191-200Full text
Misiak, J.The Influence of Transverse and Longitudinal Stiffeners on stability of Steel Plate Girder10.5604/12314005.1168473201-210Full text
Muślewski, Ł.; ...Analysis and Evaluation of Application of Car Modular Systems in Polish Road Transport10.5604/12314005.1168474211-220Full text
Papliński, K.M.Model Testing of Stabilising and Tracking Control System in Main Battle Tank10.5604/12314005.1168476221-226Full text
Piasecki, D.The Potential of Gaseous Alternative Fuels and Legal Conditions of Their Use in Car Engines and Machines in the Context of Impacts on the Envirnment10.5604/12314005.1168477227-234Full text
Rodak, M.; ...Numerical Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Concentration in a E Segment Vehicle Interior10.5604/12314005.1168479235-242Full text
Sibilski, K.; ...Simulation Studies of Micro Air Vehicle10.5604/12314005.1168482243-252Full text
Siergiejczyk, M.Analysis of the Analogue and Digital Cooperation of the Railway Radio Communications in the Context of the Emergency Call10.5604/12314005.1168483253-260Full text
Siergiejczyk, M.; ...Four-State Exploitation Strategies of Maximize of the Coefficient of the Readiness with the Regard of Economic Conditions10.5604/12314005.1168484261-268Full text
Sitnik, L.J.; ...The Analysis of the Energy Balance of the Engine Powered by Diesel Oil Mixture with Butanol10.5604/12314005.1168487269-274Full text
Sitnik, L.J.Theory of Cumulative Fuel Consumption by LPG Powered Cars10.5604/12314005.1168489275-280Full text
Skorupa, P.; ...Review of Possibilities of Increasing the Thickness of an Anti-Wear Coating on Piston Rings by Using Specifically Designed Physical Vapour Deposition Process10.5604/12314005.1168493281-286Full text
Sławiński, G.; ...Investigation of Human Body Exposed to Blast Wave Derived from Improvised Explosive Devices10.5604/12314005.1168496287-294Full text
Sławiński, G.; ...Research Protective Shield, Elastomer-Liquid Against Impact Shock Wave10.5604/12314005.1168498295-300Full text
Ślusarczyk, K.; ...The Analysis of Audi A6 Engines Malfunctions10.5604/12314005.1168500301-310Full text
Struś, M.; ...Efficiency of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biofuels of Second Generation BIOXDIESEL10.5604/12314005.1168503311-318Full text
Wawrzyński, W.; ...Information and Communications Technology Supporting Internal Transport Systems Management10.5604/12314005.1168505319-328Full text
Zalewski, W.A Study of Propeller for High Altitude Unmanned Airplane10.5604/12314005.1168508329-334Full text
Żach, P.Oscillation Systems from Hyper-Deforms Elements10.5604/12314005.1168510335-342Full text
Zyluk, A.; ...Aerodynamic Measurements Micro Air Vehicle10.5604/12314005.1168511343-354Full text
Żurek, J.; ...Modelling of Combustion Process of Liquid Fuels under Turbulent Conditions10.5604/12314005.1168562355-364Full text