ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2015 | Contents of Volume 22, Number 2:

Adamski, M.; ...Algorithm for Determining the Angular Position of the Pilot’s Helmet to Control the On-Board Weapon’s Control System10.5604/12314005.11653847-16Full text
Błachnio, J.; ...Degradation of the Gas Turbine Blade Coating and its Influence on the Microstructure State of the Superalloy10.5604/12314005.116538517-24Full text
Ćwiklak, J.Bird Modelling for Simulation of Bird Strikes10.5604/12314005.116538725-32Full text
Dudzik, K.The Possibility of Application Acoustic Emission Method to Optimize Determination of Finish Lathing Parameters10.5604/12314005.116538833-40Full text
Dzięgielewski, W.Discussion on the Methodology of the Lubricity Determination of Diesel Fuels, Containing Non Petroleum Components10.5604/12314005.116538941-48Full text
Gandyk, M.An Application of Close Range Photogrammetry to Combustion Engine Air Intake Modelling10.5604/12314005.116539249-54Full text
Gis, W.; ...Projections of Future Use of Electric Cars10.5604/12314005.116539555-62Full text
Głowacki, P.; ...Aircraft Fuel Consumption and Emissions During Cruise, Effect of the Jet Stream10.5604/12314005.116539863-70Full text
Gołębiewski, W.Impact of Outer Diameter and Energy Efficiency Class of Tyre on Fuel Consumption of a Passenger Car10.5604/12314005.116566471-78Full text
Jacyna, M.; ...Traffic Organization on the Railway Network and Problem of Construction of Graphic Train Timetable10.5604/12314005.116539979-88Full text
Jacyna-Gołda, I.Chosen Problems of Effective Supply Chain Management of Companies10.5604/12314005.116540089-96Full text
Kalina, P.The Effect of Location on the Combustion Chamber for the Toxicity Exhaust in Self Ignition Engine Ursus 439010.5604/12314005.116540197-102Full text
Kalina, P.; ...The Influence of the Shape of the Combustion Chamber on Exhaust Gases Toxicity in T370 Engine10.5604/12314005.1165402103-108Full text
Kamiński, A.Integrated Approach of Environmental Issues in Industrial Complex Treated as Complicated Operated Machine10.5604/12314005.1165402109-114Full text
Kawakami, T.Experimental Study of Emission Reduction by Using Alcohol Blended Fuel for Small Gasoline Engine10.5604/12314005.1165413115-120Full text
Kulczycki, A.The Influence of Oxygenates on Lubricity of Fuels for CI Engines10.5604/12314005.1165415121-128Full text
Labeckas, G.; ...The Effect of Aviation Fuel JP-8 and Diesel Fuel Blends on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions10.5604/12314005.1165418129-138Full text
Labuda, W.; ...The Influence of Changing the Side Angle of the Cutting Tool by Wiper Technology on the Value of Material Ratio Parameters of SteelApplied to Marine Pump Shaft Pins10.5604/12314005.1165420139-148Full text
Molenda, J.; ...Determinig the Emissivity at the Tool-Chip Interface During S235JR Steel Turning10.5604/12314005.1165422149-154Full text
Murawski, L.Kinematic of Marine Piston-Crankshaft System10.5604/12314005.1165424155-162Full text
Murawski, L.Methodology of Threat Autonomous Assessment and Forecasting the Lifetime of the Marine Structure10.5604/12314005.1165673163-168Full text
Pawletko, R.Influence of the Indicator Diagrams Smoothing on the Indicated Parameters of Marine Diesel Engines10.5604/12314005.1165426169-176Full text
Rosłanowski, J.Identification of Ship Propeller Torsional Vibrations10.5604/12314005.1165430177-184Full text
Rosłanowski, J.; ...Determination of Nondimensional Arguments in Dimensional Functions of Ship Propulsion Engine Operation10.5604/12314005.1165434185-190Full text
Saidov, K.; ...Problems Review of the Health Monitoring of Tall Type Buildings10.5604/12314005.1165438191-204Full text
Smoczek, J.; ...Robust Fuzzy Model Predictive Control of an Overhead Crane10.5604/12314005.1165439205-212Full text
Sroka, Z.J.; ...An Impact of Engine Downsizing on Change of Engine Weight10.5604/12314005.1165440213-220Full text
Stalewski, W.; ...Computational Design and Optimisation of Innovative, High-Efficiency Wind Turbine10.5604/12314005.1165441221-232Full text
Szklarski, A.; ...Measuring Temperature Distribution on the Surface of Flying Missiles10.5604/12314005.1165443233-240Full text
Sznajder, J.; ...Effects of Turbulence Induced by Micro Vortex Generators on Shockwave – Boundary Layer Interactions10.5604/12314005.1165445240-248Full text
Taler, J.; ...A Co-Generation Power Set with a Combustion Engine Fuelled by Wood Waste Gas10.5604/12314005.1165447249-258Full text
Tutak, W.; ...The Effect of Methanol-Diesel Combustion on Performance and Emissions of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.1165449259-266Full text
Wasiak, M.; ...Transport Service Execution Costs in the Whole-Vehicle Road Transport in Complex Transport Cycles10.5604/12314005.1165451267-278Full text
Wierzcholski, K.The Logical Control of Road Traffic Net and Railway Junction10.5604/12314005.1165453279-286Full text
Wiśniowski, W.Identification of Main Helicopters Resonances by Ground Vibration Test10.5604/12314005.1165455287-292Full text
Witkowski, K.The Issue of the Indicator Diagram Analysis for the Purpose of Diagnosis of Marine Diesel Engines10.5604/12314005.1165456293-298Full text