ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2015 | Contents of Volume 22, Number 1:

Baczewski, K.; ...Experimental Testing of Influence of Commercial Depressants on Diesel Fuels Low Temperature Properties10.5604/12314005.11615957-14Full text
Bilski, M.The Role of Transport in Selected European Marinas. Part One10.5604/12314005.116159815-20Full text
Bilski, M.The Role of Transport in Selected European Marinas. Part Two10.5604/12314005.116160121-28Full text
Borkowski, W.; ...Research on the Effectiveness of the Innovative Protective Structure for Vehicles10.5604/12314005.116160429-36Full text
Borkowski, W.; ...The Research on Dynamic Loads and Traction Properties of Military Vehicles in the Aspect of Improvemento of Their Structure10.5604/12314005.116160837-46Full text
Chmielewski, M.; ...Small Gas Turbine GTM-120 Bench Testing with Emission Measurements10.5604/12314005.116161047-54Full text
Chmielewski, A.; ...Modelling and Simulation of Repeated Charging/Discharging Cycle for Selected Nickel-Cadmium Batteries10.5604/12314005.116161455-62Full text
Ciekot, Z.; ...Safety of Crews and SZ RP Vehicles Exposed to the Impact in Asymmetric Environment10.5604/12314005.116161864-74Full text
Cypko, E.; ...Research of Selected Technological Factors Influence on Adhesive-bonded Joint Properties10.5604/12314005.116162275-82Full text
Dorczuk, M.Parameters Characteristic for the Stabilization Systems for Weapon Modules10.5604/12314005.116162883-90Full text
Dolotov, A.A.; ...Method of Evaluation of the Probabilistic Dispersion of Traction and Transport Vehicles Estimated Noisiness10.5604/12314005.116162791-94Full text
Gąsior, R.; ...Development of Constructions of Electrical Equipment and Fuel Systems for Special-Purpose Vehicle Based on the Solutions of Zakład Doświadczalny Biskupiec sp. z o.o.10.5604/12314005.116162995-106Full text
Gocman, K.; ...The Effect of Laser Surface Modification on Permeability and Load Capacity of Porous Sleeves10.5604/12314005.1161632107-114Full text
Grzegożek, W.; ...Ultra-Light Vehicle for Disable People10.5604/12314005.1161716115-126Full text
Kalmikov, A.V.; ...Decreasing of Dynamic Loading of Tractor’s Powertrain by Means of Change of Reactive Element Torsional Stiffness10.5604/12314005.1162417127-134Full text
Kałdoński, T.J.; ...Ecotoxicity of Ionic Liquids as Lubricants10.5604/12314005.1161722135-142Full text
Kałdoński, T.J.; ...Identifying of Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Phase and its Influence on Lubricity of Ionic Liquids10.5604/12314005.1161727143-156Full text
Koliński, K.Work Study Catalytic Converter during Starting a Cold Engine10.5604/12314005.1161724157-166Full text
Kupicz, W.; ...Operational Tests of Braking Systems for High Mobility Vehicles10.5604/12314005.1161726167-172Full text
Kurpas, M.; ...Transformation of the T-72 main Battle Tanks10.5604/12314005.1161728173-180Full text
Liashenko, M.V.; ...Analysis of the Drive Constructions of Extra-Low Pressure Rubber-Tired Propellers of the Vehicles for Carrying Goods10.5604/12314005.1161732181-184Full text
Luty, W.Influence of the Tire Relaxation on the Simulation Results of the Vehicle Lateral Dynamics in Aspect of the Vehicle Driving Safety10.5604/12314005.1161733185-192Full text
Małachowski, J.; ...LS-Dyna Contact Procedure Analysis for Selected Mechanical Systems10.5604/12314005.1161741193-202Full text
Maniowski, M.Optimization of Driving Technique of RWD Racing Car for Faster Cornering10.5604/12314005.1161744203-210Full text
Markowska, K.A Sample Model of a Logistics Center and the Plan of Its Stages of Design from Both a Subjective and Objective Approach10.5604/12314005.1161745211-216Full text
Merkisz, J.; ...Real Driving Emissions – Vechicle Tests in Variable Terrain10.5604/12314005.1161748 217-225Full text
Mężyk, A.; ...Modern Tendencies in the Design of Autonomous Utility Vehicles10.5604/12314005.1161762227-234Full text
Napadłek, W.; ...The Application of Laser Texturing in Surface Layer Patterning of the Combustion Engines Elements10.5604/12314005.1161771235-242Full text
Narayan, S.Correlation between Cylinder Pressure and Noise Emissions from Diesel Engines10.5604/12314005.1161775243-254Full text
Nikisz, T.; ...Modern Didactic Support – Simulators, Link Trainers – in Process of Cadre Training10.5604/12314005.1161782255-260Full text
Pobedin, A.V.; ...Research of noise in tractor K700 cabin10.5604/12314005.1161788261-264Full text
Wantoch-Rekowski, R.; ...Designing Advanced Vehicle Trainers Using Virtual Simulation Technology10.5604/12314005.1161791265-272Full text
Salykin, E.A.; ...Modernization of the Direct Operation Fuel Feeding System of Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.1161794273-276Full text
Shekhovtsov, K.V.; ...Decreasing of Vibration Load Level on Tractor Operator’s Working Place by Means of Using of Vibrations Dynamic Dumpers in Cabin Suspension10.5604/12314005.1161798277-284Full text
Shevchyuk, V.P.; ...The Choice of Motor – Transmission Installation for the Pipe Layer10.5604/12314005.1161811285-288Full text
Sosnowicz, R.Firefighting Systems in Military Vehicles10.5604/12314005.1161812289-298Full text
Stryjek, P.; ...Innovative Run Flat Systems10.5604/12314005.1161821299-306Full text
Trzaska, Z.Impact Oscillators: Fundamentals and Applications10.5604/12314005.1161825307-314Full text
Mirosław, T.Problems of Optoelectronic Sensor in Application for Armed Vehicle Staff Safety and Ergonomic Improvement10.5604/12314005.1161827315-318Full text