ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2015 | Contents of Volume 22, Number 3:

Brewczyński, D.; ...Stabilization Mechanism for Helicopter Pad with Four Degrees of Freedom10.5604/12314005.11659477-12Full text
Chwastek, S.Active Vibration Reduction Operator’s Seat with the Use of Controlled Single-Acting Pneumatic Actuator10.5604/12314005.116595013-20Full text
Górniak, A.; ...Pressure Waves Influence on Performance of a Pyrotechnically Driven Device10.5604/12314005.116595721-28Full text
Grab-Rogaliński, K.; ...Influence of Intake Valve Closure Angle on IC Engine Indicated Parameters10.5604/12314005.116596129-36Full text
Haller, P.; ...Impact Analysis of Air Humidity on Operating Parameters of Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.116596637-42Full text
Haller, P.; ...Potential Non-Toxic Aqueous Emulsion as a Diesel Fuel10.5604/12314005.116596943-48Full text
Jacyna, M.; ...Technical and Organizational Conditions of Designing Warehouses with Different Functional Structures10.5604/12314005.116597149-58Full text
Jacyna-Gołda, I.; ...Efficiency as an Assessment Measure of Warehouse Facilities Location in Logistics Network10.5604/12314005.116597259-66Full text
Jacyna-Gołda, I.; ...Logistics Service for Companies by Warehouse Facilities with Different Configurations in the Logistics Network10.5604/12314005.116597367-74Full text
Jakubowski, R.Analysis of Turbofan Engine Design Modification to add Inter-Turbine Combustor10.5604/12314005.116597475-82Full text
Kapusta, Ł.J.; ...Jet and Droplet Breakup Modeling Approaches10.5604/12314005.116597583-90Full text
Kapusta, Ł.J.; ...Laser Based Diagnostic System for Spray Measurements10.5604/12314005.116597691-98Full text
Kończewicz, W.; ...Comparison of Nonwoven Fabrics in Terms of Usefulness for Oil Spill Combat10.5604/12314005.116597899-104Full text
Kowaleczko, G.; ...Evaluation of the Possibility of Bomb Flight Control10.5604/12314005.1165979105-116Full text
Krzysiak, A.Flow Visualization of the Wing Model Equipped with Load Control Fluidic Devices10.5604/12314005.1165980117-124Full text
Kucybała, P.; ...The Control System for a Manipulator with Two Degrees of Freedom for Water Hydrostatic Transmission Drive10.5604/12314005.1165982125-132Full text
Labuda, W.The Influence of Cutting Inserts Geometric on Surface Roughness of Steel Applied to Sea Water Pump Shafts10.5604/12314005.1165983133-140Full text
Lewińska, J.Influence of the Marine 4-Stroke Diesel Engine Malfunctions of the Air and Exhaust Duct on the Composition of Exhaust Gas10.5604/12314005.1165987141-148Full text
Markowska, K.The Market for Rail Freight Services - Certain Selected Aspects10.5604/12314005.1165990149-154Full text
Miszczak, A.; ...Nano-Hardness of the Material of Thin Layers of the Injector Tip Depending on the Depth under the Precisly Finished Co-Operating Surfaces10.5604/12314005.1165997155-160Full text
Ngyuen H.P.; ...Thermal-Mechanical Coupled Simulation10.5604/12314005.1166002161-168Full text
Osipowicz, T.; ...Influence of Fuel Pollutants on Operating Parameters of Contemporary Fuel Injector10.5604/12314005.1166005169-174Full text
Otremba, Z.; ...Comparison of Fluorometric Signatures of Oil Residues in Both Marine Environment and in Organic Diluent10.5604/12314005.1166010175-180Full text
Otremba, Z.; ...Fluorescence of Natural Seawater Exposed to Oil Pollution10.5604/12314005.1166014181-186Full text
Panowicz, R.; ...Selected Aspects of Modelling a Phenomena Occuring with Very Large Strain Rates on the Example of the Shaped Charge Jet Stream Forming Process and Explosive Formed Projectiles10.5604/12314005.1166017187-192Full text
Panowicz, R.; ...Influence of Selected Parameters of the Fragmentation Warhead on Its Effectiveness10.5604/12314005.1166020193-200Full text
Prajwowski, K.The Impact of Alterations in Control Unit Software on the BMW 3.0D Engine Power and Torque10.5604/12314005.1166025201-206Full text
Sikora, G.; ...The Influence of Oil’s Exploitation Time on Load Carrying Capacity in a Slider Bearing10.5604/12314005.1166028207-212Full text
Skorupka, Z.FEM Temperature Evaluation of Model Braking Test in Comparison to Selected Laboratory Test10.5604/12314005.1166029213-220Full text
Sobieszek, A.; ...Landing Gear Dynamic Tests with Strain Gages10.5604/12314005.1166030221-228Full text
Sroka, Z.J.The Impact Assessment of Downsizing on the Development of Internal Combustion Engines Reffering to the Competition "Engine of the Year"10.5604/12314005.1166031229-234Full text
Sroka, Z.J.; ...Assessment of the Engine Boost Modernized According to the Rules of Downsizing10.5604/12314005.1166032235-240Full text
Stankiewicz, M.; ...Experimental Evaluation of Energy Absorbing Properties of Selected Elastomer Materials10.5604/12314005.1166032241-248Full text
Ahmed, H.A.Experimental Investigation on Performance of a Spark Ignition Engine Runs with Alcoholic Blend-Gasoline10.5604/12314005.1181680249-256Full text
Andrzejewski, M.; ...A Method of Passenger Car Braking and Carbon Dioxide Emissions10.5604/12314005.1181693257-262Full text
Bartnicki, A.; ...Concept and Development of Engineer Mission Support Robot10.5604/12314005.1181700263-268Full text
Bartnicki, A.; ...Concept of IED/EOD Operations (CONOPs) for Engineer Mission Support Robot Team10.5604/12314005.1181703269-274Full text
Chmielewski, A.; ...Dynamic Model of a Crankshaft Assembly with Two Degrees of Freedom10.5604/12314005.1181705275-282Full text
Gis, W.; ...Operation of Urban Buses Powered Biomethane10.5604/12314005.1181710283-292Full text
Haller, P.; ...Using LCA Method to Describe Logistic System of Fuel10.5604/12314005.1181714293-300Full text
Kaźmierczak, A.; ...The Numerical Calculation Module for Piston Rings10.5604/12314005.1181716301-308Full text
Kowalski, J.The Analysis of Influence of Fuel Spray Angle on NOx Fraction in the Exhaust Gas from Marine 4-Stroke Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.1181719309-316Full text
Markowska, K.Perspectives and Problems of Intermodal Freight Transportation Market Development in Poland10.5604/12314005.1181721317-320Full text
Panowicz, R.; ...Numerical Analysis of the Influence of the Deflector Stiffness and Geometry on its Effectiveness10.5604/12314005.1181726321-328Full text
Panowicz, R.; ...Analysis of the Influence of the Finite Elements Mesh Density on the Determined Shaped Charge Jet Parameters10.5604/12314005.1181728329-336Full text