ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2016 | Contents of Volume 23, Number 2:

Alqahtani, A.M.; ...Investigation into the Effect of Bore/Stroke Ratio on a Single Cylinder Two Stroke Opposed Piston Engine10.5604/12314005.12135299-16Full text
Ambrosiewicz-Walacik, M.; ...The Effect of Oils Quality and Transestrification Method on the Degree of Conversion of the Fatty Acids Methyl Esters10.5604/12314005.121353617-24Full text
Ambrosiewicz-Walacik, M.; ...Waste Tires as a Source of Valuable Chemicals10.5604/12314005.121353925-30Full text
Balicki, W.; ...Safety Performance Indicators Assessment for Small Aircraft Airframe Systems10.5604/12314005.121354131-38Full text
Baszanowska, E.; ...Testing of the Synchronous Fluorescence in Application to Used Lubricate Oil Characterisation10.5604/12314005.121354831-38Full text
Blik, T.Controllable Fluids – Materials with the Ability to Changing Their Physical Properties10.5604/12314005.121355042-52Full text
Borkowska, J.; ...Research and Analysis of the Results of the Internal Combustion Engine Locomotive During the 85-Hour Endurance Test10.5604/12314005.121355253-60Full text
Brewczyński, D.; ...Dynamics Model of Stabilization Mechanism for Helicopter Pad10.5604/12314005.121355661-68Full text
Chmielewski, M.; ...Theoretical Studies of Variable Geometry – Hot Section of the Miniature Jet Engine10.5604/12314005.121355969-80Full text
Cuper-Przybylska, D.Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Modern Process Working Marine Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.121356181-88Full text
Czaban, A.Generalized Newtonian Fluids as Lubricants in the Hydrodynamic Conical Bearings – a CFD Analysis10.5604/12314005.121356489-96Full text
Dudziński, P.; ...Energy Efficiency of Rubber Tracked Chassis10.5604/12314005.121356797-104Full text
Dzięgielewski, W.; ...The New Stand for Aging of Biocomponents and Biofuels Process Testing at Relatively Short Time10.5604/12314005.1213572105-112Full text
Frycz, M.The Ferro-Oils Viscosity Depended Simultaneously on the Temperature and Magnetic Oil Particles Concentration η = η(T,ϕ) – PART I10.5604/12314005.1213575113-120Full text
Gessela, G.; ...The Influence of Changes in the Rotational Speed of the Shaft Journal Slide Bearing on the Acoustic Emission Signal10.5604/12314005.1213577121-128Full text
Glowacki, P.Influence of the Selected Exploitation Tasks on Airline Operating Cost and Flight Safety Taking as an Example Turbofan Engine10.5604/12314005.1213579129-136Full text
Grądzki, R.; ...Parametric and Nonparametric Diagnostic Models for Blades in the Rotating Machinery with Environment Elimination10.5604/12314005.1213581137-146Full text
Guze, S.; ...Use of Random Walk in Two-Dimensional Lattice Graphs to Describe Influence of Wind and Sea Currents on Oil Slick Movement10.5604/12314005.1213583147-154Full text
Jach, A.; ...Influence of Exhaust Gas on Detonation Propensity of a Mixture of Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen and Air10.5604/12314005.1213584155-162Full text
Jakubowski, R.Analysis of Chosen Fuels Influence on Turboprop Engine Work Performance10.5604/12314005.1213586163-170Full text
Kalina, P.The Influence of the Size and Shape of the “Central Body” of a Combustion Chamber on the Toxicity of the Exhaust Gases in the Ursus 4390 Engine10.5604/12314005.1213588171-176Full text
Kalina, P.; ...Report on the Implementation of the POIG Project: Turbine Engine With A Detonation Combustion Chamber10.5604/12314005.1213590177-184Full text
Kosoń-Schab, A.; ...Crane Frame Inspection using Metal Magnetic Memory Method10.5604/12314005.1213591185-192Full text
Kowalska, J.; ...Reducing Wear of Piston Rings using ZeroFlow Nitriding10.5604/12314005.1213592193-200Full text
Krakowski, R.The Influence of Microorganisms Inhabiting in the Environment of Diesel and Lubricating Oil to the Operation of Machinery and Marine Equipment10.5604/12314005.1213593201-208Full text
Krasuski, K.; ...The Impact of Atmosphere Delays in Processing of Aircraft’s Coordinates Determination10.5604/12314005.1213594209-214Full text
Krata, P.; ...Virtual Ship’s Roll Decay Test with The Use of CFD Technique10.5604/12314005.1213595215-222Full text
Krzyżak, A.; ...Application of Polymer Composites with Plant Reinforcement used in Machine and Aircraft Construction in Changeable Environmental Conditions10.5604/12314005.1213596223-230Full text
Kubiak, P.; ...The Analysis of Friction in the Bearing of Rocker Arms10.5604/12314005.1213597231-238Full text
Lindstedt, P.; ...The Technical Object Reliability Evaluation Based on the Parametric and Momentary Failures10.5604/12314005.1213598239-246Full text
Mioduska, P.An Analysis of Phugoid Oscillations of Unmanned Flying Wing10.5604/12314005.1213599247-254Full text
Mukhamedova, Z.Numerical Model for Calculation of Fluctuations in the Main Bearing Frame of Railcar with Changing Stiffness and Physical Parameters10.5604/12314005.1213600255-260Full text
Nakashima, K.; ...Development of a Simplified Method for Measuring Engine Motoring Friction and its Application to Valve Train10.5604/12314005.1213601261-268Full text
Panowicz, R.; ...Numerical Analyses of the V-Shaped Deflector Effectivenes10.5604/12314005.1213602269-274Full text
Peruń, G.; ...Modeling and Simulation of Power Transmission System Oriented on Diagnosis of Failures in Toothed Gear10.5604/12314005.1213603275-284Full text
Placek, R.; ...Identification of the Boundary Layer Shock Wave Interaction Type in Transonic Flow Regime10.5604/12314005.1213604285-292Full text
Przybyła, G.; ...Correlations of Wiebe Function Parameters for Combustion Simulation in SI Engine Fuelled with Gaseous Fuels10.5604/12314005.1213724293-300Full text
Romanowicz, P.Application of 3-D Fracture Criteria for Assessment of Fatigue Strength of Composite Plate with Internal Delamination10.5604/12314005.1213727301-308Full text
Ruchała, P.Wind Tunnel Tests of the Pusher Propeller – an Assessment of Accuracy10.5604/12314005.1213740309-316Full text
Skorek, G.Comparison of the Structural and Total Energy Efficiency of Selected Hydraulic Systems with Proportional Control Linear Motor10.5604/12314005.1213742317-324Full text
Skorupka, Z.Wear in Friction Brakes10.5604/12314005.1213744325-332Full text
Smolarek, L.; ...Traffic Model as an Instrument of Measuring Impact of Disabling One Street Lane on Bus Movement in the Rush Hours10.5604/12314005.1213746333-340Full text
Stalewski, W.Design and Optimisation of Exhaust System of Light Turboprop Airplane10.5604/12314005.1213748341-348Full text
Stankiewicz, M.; ...Strength Testing of Side Connector of Railway Wagon for Semitrailers Transport10.5604/12314005.1213750349-356Full text
Szałatkiewicz, J.; ...Modelling of Thermodynamics, Mass Exchange and Heat Transfer of Plasmatron Plasma Reactor for Recycling of Used Electric and Electronic Components10.5604/12314005.1213751351-364Full text
Szeleziński, A.; ...Analysis of Ability to Detect Defects in Welding Structures with Usage of Dynamic Characteristics Spectrums10.5604/12314005.1213753365-372Full text
Sznajder, J.; ...Analysis of Effects of Shape and Location of Micro-Turbulators on Unsteady Shockwave-Boundary Layer Interactions in Tansonic Flow10.5604/12314005.1213755373-380Full text
Szurgott, P.; ...Simulations of Front Impact Between Two Shunting Locomotives at Different Velocities10.5604/12314005.1213757381-388Full text
Tchórz, T.; ...Parameters Selection of Shot Peening Gears of Carburized and Hardened Steel 21NiCrMo210.5604/12314005.1213759389-396Full text
Uchman, Z.; ...The Study of the Technical Service Impact on the Aircraft Technical Readiness10.5604/12314005.1213762397-406Full text
Wierzbicki, S.; ...The Impact of the Share of Biogas in a Supply Dose on Load Parameters in the Combustion Chamber of a Dual-Fuel Compression-Ignition Engine10.5604/12314005.1213764407-414Full text
Wierzbicki, S.; ...The Impact of the Share of CNG on the Combustion Process in a Dual-Fuel Compression-Ignition Engine with the Common Rail System10.5604/12314005.1213765415-422Full text
Wierzcholski, K.; ...A New Problem of Hydrodynamic Lubrication with Temperature and Viscosity Variations in Gap Height Direction10.5604/12314005.1213767423-430Full text
Wróblewski, E.; ...The Impact of Microgeometry Bearing Surface of the Piston on the Parameters of Oil Film10.5604/12314005.1213770431-436Full text
Zalewski, W.Numerical Simulation of Vortex Ring State Phenomenon for the Mi2 Type Helicopter Tail Rotor10.5604/12314005.1213772437-442Full text
Żurek, J.Analysis of the Military Vehicles Operating Process by Means of Markov Processes10.5604/12314005.1213773443-454Full text