ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2014 | Contents of Volume 21, Number 4:

Andrych, M.; ...Numeric Modeling of Fumes Flow in Exhaust Manifold of the Combustion Engine10.5604/12314005.11304199-14Full text
Bogdevicius, M.; ...Investigation of Traffic Flow Dynamic Processes using Discrete Model10.5604/12314005.113042115-19Full text
Brewczyński, D.; ...Dynamic Positioning System of Helicopter Pad on the Ship10.5604/12314005.113042421-27Full text
Charchalis, A.; ...Effect of Finishing on the Corrosion Properties of Flame Sprayed Ni-5%Al and Ni-5%Al-Al2O3 Coatings10.5604/12314005.113042629-36Full text
Cicholska, M.The Fatigue Strength Evaluation of S540Q Steel and its Welded Joints10.5604/12314005.113042737-42Full text
Cicholska, M.The Weldability Assessment of Thermally Hardened S540Q Steel Sheets10.5604/12314005.113042843-48Full text
Czaban, A.CFD Analysis of Non-Newtonian and Non-Isothermal Lubrication of Hydrodynamic Conical Bearing10.5604/12314005.113042949-56Full text
Czarnecki, M.Reverse Engineering of Centrifugal Compressor Flow Map10.5604/12314005.113043057-62Full text
Dereszewski, M.; ...Validation of Reference Sampling for Failure Detection by Crankshaft Angular Speed Analysis10.5604/12314005.113043263-70Full text
Duda, K.; ...Effect of Doping Diesel Oil with Methyl Esters on Physicochemical Properties of the Obtained Fuel, in the Aspect of its Exploatation Potential10.5604/12314005.113043371-78Full text
Dudzik, K.Corrosive Properties Distribution in AW-7020 Alloy Joints Welded by FSW10.5604/12314005.113270279-85Full text
Dziewulski, P.; ...Numerical Analysis of Impact Between Shunting Locomotive and Selected Road Vehicle10.5604/12314005.113043787-94Full text
Dziewulski, P.; ...Development of Finite Element Model of Shunting Locomotive Applicable for Dynamic Analyses10.5604/12314005.113044295-102Full text
Dzięgielewski, W.; ...Discussion Over Correctness of Methods used for Test of Fuels Resistance to Ageing Processes10.5604/12314005.1130435103-109Full text
Frycz, M.; ...Impact of Magnetic Particles Concentration in Ferro-Oil on its Magnetic Susceptibility Coefficient ϰ10.5604/12314005.1130454111-117Full text
Frycz, M.; ...Models of Viscosity Characteristics η=η(B) of Ferro-Oil with Different Concentration of Magnetic Particles in the Presence of External Magnetic Field10.5604/12314005.1130456119-126Full text
Gołda, P.Support of Aircraft Taxiing Operations on the Apron10.5604/12314005.1130457127-135Full text
Grab-Rogaliński, K.; ...The Miller Cycle Based IC Engine Fueled with a CNG/Hydrogen10.5604/12314005.1130459137-144Full text
Grzesiak, G.; ...Selected Plasma Nitriding Methods Usable for the Thermo-Chemical Treatment of Aircraft Parts10.5604/12314005.1130461146-152Full text
Grzesik, N.; ...Measurement Methods for Determining the Parameters of Injectors in Internal Combustion Engines10.5604/12314005.1130463153-159Full text
Haule, K.; ...Fluorescence Properties of Mechanically Dispersed Crude Oil10.5604/12314005.1130464161-167Full text
Hryciów, Z.; ...Influence of the Shape of the Explosive Charge on Blast Profile10.5604/12314005.1130466169-176Full text
Iwanicki, L.; ...Spin Test - The Ability of Spin Test Method Usage in Thrusters' Fault Detection and Isolation10.5604/12314005.1130468177-182Full text
Jacyna-Gołda, I.; ...Traffic Distribution into Transport Network for Defined Scenarios of Transport System Development in Aspect of Environmental Protection10.5604/12314005.1130469183-192Full text
Jacyna-Gołda, I.; ...Some Aspects of Risk Assessment in the Logistics Chain10.5604/12314005.1130470193-201Full text
Jakielaszek, Z.; ...Selected Characteristics of the Electric Propulsion System of Aircraft as Found Out from The Ground-Based Laboratory Tests10.5604/12314005.1130471203-210Full text
Jankowski, A.Design of Novel Composite Pistons for Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.1130473211-216Full text
Kęder, M.; ...Design of a New Engine Dynamometer Test Stand for Driving Cycle Simulation10.5604/12314005.1130477217-224Full text
Kluczyk, M.; ...The Wola Marine High-Speed Diesel Engines Diagnostics using Vibro-Acoustic Methods10.5604/12314005.1130478225-231Full text
Kluj, S.Simulation of the Combustion Process in the Electronically Controlled Marine Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.1130485233-238Full text
Kołodziejczyk, R.The Use of Light Aircraft in Domestic Transport in Poland10.5604/12314005.1130486239-246Full text
Kończewicz, W.; ...Laboratory Study of Effectiveness of Sorbents Intended for Oil Spill Combating10.5604/12314005.1130490247-254Full text
Kowaleczko, G.Preliminary Determination of the Jet-2 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Dynamic Performances10.5604/12314005.1130491255-262Full text
Kowalski, M.Environmental Protection and Technical Tests of Military Off-Road Truck10.5604/12314005.1130498263-272Full text
Kowalski, M.Safe Speed of a Passenger Car in Circular Motion10.5604/12314005.1130503273-280Full text
Kowalski, M.Analysis of Vibroacoustic Properties of the 250-C20R/2 RRC (Allison) Engine in the Support Surface of the Compressor10.5604/12314005.1130493281-288Full text
Krakowski, R.Model and Experimental Research of the Pressure Cooling System for The Internal Combustion Engine10.5604/12314005.1130505289-296Full text
Leżański, T.; ...Research Effects of Novel Combustion System with Semi-Open Combustion Chamber using Rapid Compression Machine10.5604/12314005.1130472297-310Full text
Lichoń, D.A Conception of Vertical Take-Off Air Vehicle with Self-Aligning Moving Wings10.5604/12314005.1132706311-317Full text
Łutowicz, M.Concept of Sagnac Effect Application in Measurement of Angular Acceleration of Piston Engine Crankshaft10.5604/12314005.1130479319-326Full text
Majka, A.Flight Path Management of an Aircraft in Emergency Situation10.5604/12314005.1130480327-334Full text
Majka, A.Minimum Emission Unconventional Maglev Assisted Take-Off10.5604/12314005.1130481335-342Full text
Mikulski, M.; ...Influence of Contribution of Biofuels Derived from Renewable Materials in the Fuel on the Combustion Process and Toxic Compounds Emission of Compression Ignition Engine10.5604/12314005.1130482343-351Full text
Miszczak, A.; ...Surface Topography Analysis of Precision Assemblies of Fuel Injector Nozzles10.5604/12314005.1130483353-360Full text
Młynarczak, A.; ...Analysis of the Modern Oil Viscosity Changes During Their Operation in Combustion Engines10.5604/12314005.1130484361-368Full text
Orkisz, M.; ...Prospective Alternative Propulsion Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles10.5604/12314005.1130487369-374Full text
Otremba, Z.Coefficient of Light Reflection Foreseen for Chosen Oils10.5604/12314005.1130488375-379Full text
Parzycki, I.Influence of ABS System Use on Aviation Brake Temperature10.5604/12314005.1130489381-388Full text
Pawletko, R.; ...Evaluation of Current Developments and Trends in the Diagnosis of Marine Diesel Engines Based on the Indicator Diagrams Analysis10.5604/12314005.1130492389-396Full text
Pawletko, R.Increasing the Accuracy of the Mean Indicated Pressure Determination by Appointment of the TDC Cylinder Position10.5604/12314005.1130494397-404Full text
Pawluczy-Majka, J.IR Thermography In NDE of Carbon-Glass Laminate10.5604/12314005.1130495405-410Full text
Pawluczy-Majka, J.Non-Destructive Evaluation of Rescue and Patrol Unmanned Aerial Vehicle10.5604/12314005.1130497411-416Full text
Pisula, J.; ...An Evaluation of the Effect of a Datum System on the Determination of the Accuracy of Bevel Gear Teeth10.5604/12314005.1130499417-424Full text
Saidov, K.; ...Non-Destructive Methods into Health Monitoring of Tall Type Buildings Operating into Hazardous Environment10.5604/12314005.1130500425-432Full text
Sarnecki, J.Jet Fuel Diversity10.5604/12314005.1130501433-438Full text
Sitnik, L.J.; ...Comparison of Mileage Fuel Consumption with the Natural Operation of the Three Different Cycles10.5604/12314005.1130504439-444Full text
Skrętowicz, M.; ...Evaluation Methods of the Impact of Motorization on the Quality of the Atmospheric Air10.5604/12314005.1130507445-452Full text
Smolarek, L.Fuzzy Approach to Dimensioning the Navigational Safety in Maritime Transport10.5604/12314005.1130508453-459Full text
Sulkowski, J.; ...Susceptibility of the GPS Navigation System to Various Types of Interferences and Threats10.5604/12314005.1130511461-469Full text
Szczepaniak, P.; ...A Method of Investigating Internal Leakages in Aircraft Hydraulic Units10.5604/12314005.1130512471-478Full text
Szkopiński, J.; ...The Railway System Transformation – Implementation of the Interoperability Requirements on the Rail Network10.5604/12314005.1130513479-488Full text
Szurgott, P.; ...Numerical Analysis of Collision between Locomotive and Passenger Car Located on Level Crossing10.5604/12314005.1130515489-496Full text
Śniegocki, H.Application of Formal Safety Assessment in the Legal Activity of International Maritime10.5604/12314005.1130510497-503Full text
Uchman, Z.Selected Aspects of Technical Readiness Related to the Exploitation System of Trainer Aircraft in Military Aviation10.5604/12314005.1130516505-513Full text
Ułanowicz, L.Wear Processes of Hydraulic Plunger and Barrel Assemblies Connected with the Time of Their Work10.5604/12314005.1130517515-524Full text
Wasiak, M.; ...Chosen Aspects of Simulation Model to Designing Proecological Transport System10.5604/12314005.1130519525-532Full text
Wiśniowski, W.Structure Fatigue Crack in the Effect of Acoustic Load – Case Study10.5604/12314005.1130520533-536Full text
Zieliński, E.; ...Pain Disorders Among Professional Drivers in the Aspect of the Conducted Research and Rehabilitation10.5604/12314005.1130522537-545Full text
Żółtowski, A.Knock Combustion in Dual Fuel Diesel Engine10.5604/12314005.1130523547-553Full text
Jacyna, M.; ...Technical and Environmental Limitations of Pro-Ecological Transport System Designing10.5604/12314005.1130525555-564Full text