ISSN: 1231-4005

e-ISSN: 2354-0133

2019 | Contents of Volume 26, Number 3:

Czmyr, S.; ...Comparison of Reduction Systems of Harmful Substances Emission into the Atmosphere in Accordance to Requirements of IMO Tier III10.2478/kones-2019-00517-14Full text
Ćwiklak, J.; ...The Application of the BSSD Iono-Free Linear Combination Method in the Processing of Aircraft Positioning10.2478/kones-2019-005215-22Full text
Dvirna, O.The Physical Modelling of High Speed Broaching of the Heat-Resistant Steels for Studies Surface Layer Quality10.2478/kones-2019-005323-30Full text
Gis, W.; ...An Attempt to Reduce the Emission of Spark-Ignition Engine with Mixtures of Bioethanol and Gasoline as Substitute Fuels10.2478/kones-2019-005431-38Full text
Godlewski, W.; ...Investigation of the Effect of Diamond Powder on the Thermal Properties of Octadecane Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry10.2478/kones-2019-005539-46Full text
Grygorcewicz, P.Results from Laboratory Tests of New Electric Brake Prototype10.2478/kones-2019-005647-52Full text
Hyla, P.Overhead Travelling Crane Construction Deflection Measurements with Telematic Approach10.2478/kones-2019-005753-60Full text
Kamiński, P.; ...Engine Cadets With and Without Additional Training on Training Vessel – Competences Comparison Case Study10.2478/kones-2019-005861-68Full text
Karczewski, M.; ...Are We Ready for Electric Cars?10.2478/kones-2019-005969-74Full text
Kolar, D.; ...Rotating Shaft Fault Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network: a Preliminary Study10.2478/kones-2019-006075-82Full text
Korcz, K.Main Aspects of a Maritime E-Navigation Project10.2478/kones-2019-006183-90Full text
Kozak, J.Quasi-Homogenous Model of Electrochemical Machining of Turbine Engine Parts10.2478/kones-2019-006291-104Full text
Krakowski, R.Research Into the Effects of the Effective Microorganisms Addition on the Engine Oil Viscosity10.2478/kones-2019-0063105-112Full text
Krzysiak, A.Wind Tunnel Tests of the Tu-154M Aircraft Aerodynamic Characteristics10.2478/kones-2019-0064113-120Full text
Lichoń, D.; ...Models of the Reference Departure and Arrival IFR Procedures for the Purpose of Research in RPAS Integration in Controlled Airspace10.2478/kones-2019-0065121-128Full text
Malinowska, M.The Full or Partial Replacement of Commercial Marine Engine Oil with Bio Oil, on the Example of Linseed Oil10.2478/kones-2019-0066129-136Full text
Nakashima, K.Characteristics of Carbon Dioxide and Product Water Exhausts in a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Serpentine Channels10.2478/kones-2019-0067137-145Full text
Pawlak, M.Planning the Flight Trajectory of a Passenger Aircraft with Regards to the Aspect of Pollutants Emission10.2478/kones-2019-0068145-154Full text
Pawlak, M.; ...Determination of CO2 Emissions for Selected Flight Parameters of a Business Jet Aircraft10.2478/kones-2019-0069155-164Full text
Placek, R.; ...Turbulent Triggers and the Model Quality Influence on Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Laminar Aerofoil in Transonic Flow Regime10.2478/kones-2019-0083165-172Full text
Polanowski, S.Analysis of Ratios of Propulsion Energy Demand for Transport by Bulk Carriers10.2478/kones-2019-0070173-180Full text
Polasz, S.Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Properties of Non-Alloy Steel in Acidic Environment10.2478/kones-2019-0071181-188Full text
Ruchała, P.; ...Problems of an Aerodynamic Interference Between Helicopter Rotor Slipstream and an Elevated Heliport10.2478/kones-2019-0072189-196Full text
Rzeszutek, L.; ...Cooled Turbine Cantilevered Nozzle Mounting and Sealing System10.2478/kones-2019-0073197-202Full text
Sobczyk, A.T.; ...Particulate Matter Emission Reduction from Marine Diesel Engines by Electrohydrodynamic Methods10.2478/kones-2019-0074203-210Full text
Stalewski, W.; ...Helicopter Flight Simulation Based on URANS Solver and Virtual Blade Model10.2478/kones-2019-0075211-218Full text
Starosta, R.Influence of Seawater Salinity on Corrosion of Austenitic Steel10.2478/kones-2019-0076219-226Full text
Szokało, A.A.; ...Reducing Emission of Harmful Toxic Substances by Trucks in the Aspect of Analysis of Selected Vehicle Operating Parameters and Human Factor10.2478/kones-2019-0077227-234Full text
Śpiewak, S.; ...Strength Analysis of Polymer Conical Gear Wheel Made with 3D Printing Technique10.2478/kones-2019-0078235-242Full text
Wieczorska, A.The Process of Regenerative Heat Treatment of the Valve Chamber of the Steam Turbine10.2478/kones-2019-0079243-248Full text
Witkowski, K.Research the Possibility of Obtaining Diagnostic Information about the Ships Engine Fuel Injection System Condition Based on The Analysis of Characteristics of Heat Release10.2478/kones-2019-0080249-256Full text
Wojtas, M.; ...A Prototype Test Stand for Testing Insolated Rotor Systems10.2478/kones-2019-0081257-264Full text
Wojtas, M.; ...Gyroplane Rotor Hubs Strength Tests10.2478/kones-2019-0082265-270Full text